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Senin, 17 Maret 2008

Juxtapose is an architecture and interior design firm based in South Jakarta. Our range of expertise extends from residential houses and apartments to retail and office design. Our projects have appeared in local architecture publications.

Juxtapose provides all area of service from consultation to construction, from decorating apartments to building houses. We always maintain close relationship with our clients, whether owners, tenants, or contractors.

Juxtapose was established by two professional architects Early and Sari, both graduates of Parahyangan University in Bandung.

Early obtained a degree in architecture from Parahyangan University and became a professional architect at Grahacipta Hadiprana. She then matured at Arga Calista Disain (Arcadia), playing the leading role in distinctive projects such as amusement parks, sports club, housing estates, offices, hotel cottage and villas.

Sari graduated as architect from Parahyangan University and took further studies in interior design at RMIT and Swinburne in Melbourne. She developed her career at PAI, Biru Langit, and Disthi Kencana Putri as project architect, supervising various projects, including houses, theme parks, hotels, and apartments.

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